《郑和下西洋的特点》里面三体星人大费周章用智子锁死地球的科技逼得科学家们接连自杀伪装者结局其实不必这么麻烦直接组织他们集体观看本片就好了问题都不是鬼扯毕竟外传鬼扯但是很爽本片则是又扯又无聊各个部分的戏都不挨着却又要强行凑在一起前八部的水品虽然层次不齐但至少每一部都有一场情绪和动作设计感能搭上的爽点而这一部只有累点看的人很累的各种点并且还花这么多时间探索男主角这么空洞的角色的过去和内心这么多闪回反而一直在提醒着观众本片的故事有多么不协调Family my ass
“Reality burst open.” “Give me some proof of God!” “Longing and denial. Trust and distrust. I don’t know if love is proof of God’s existence, or if love is God himself.” “For you, love and God are the same.” “That thought helps me in my emptiness and my dirty despair. Suddenly the emptiness turns into abundance, and despair into life.”